AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

Scippis 8256 Lockwood Sea Bag Canvas Seasack Backpack Outback Tasche olive Allrounder

- The good old duffel bag from 100% Cotton pops up from time to time
- The capacity is huge
- The practical canvas canvas bag is also a faithful companion overland
- This specimen has a round base of 30cm
- The total height is 50cm
- The Lockwood duffle bag is not just a bag but a well thought-out "travelling bag"
- Inside there are 2 pockets, one with a zip
- Two drawstrings ensure that everything stays in place
- There is also a separate pocket on the outside for smartphones or snacks
- The handle is a welcome alternative to the adjustable Cordura shoulder strap

Available colour

Item ID: 138930

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Scippis 8256 Lockwood Sea Bag Backpack Outback Tasche oliv Allrounder

The attractive Sea Bag from SCIPPIS is a multifunctional all-rounder with plenty of capacity. More than almost any other piece of luggage, the duffel bag traditionally symbolises the heroic spirit of discovery. 
In addition to the classic fastening of the main compartment with an elegant and tear-resistant leather cord, the bag is also secured with a fastener that is hidden on the inside. This means that no water can penetrate and your valuable belongings are doubly protected. For sensitive items such as ID or keys, an inner compartment can be closed with a zip. The spacious zip compartment on the outside in the lower third holds everything you need for your adventure.
The wide shoulder strap is infinitely adjustable and the carrying handle in the centre on the outside lives up to its promise. The duffle bag also doubles as a pillow and is also decidedly softer... 

  • The duffel bag conveys freedom and adventure
  • The first settlers have now set off on their journey
  • The Scippis 8256 Lockwood Sea Bag has arrived at the top level
  • The predecessors were not long-lasting
  • Dimensions: 50cm high, 30cm in diameter
  • Extra pockets inside and outside

Manufacturer: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH

Responsible person: AFH Australian Fashion House GmbH, Am Thomasboden 2, 97246 Eibelstadt, Germany,