Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Alpha Industries Mens Winter Hat Embroidery 3D Beanie 168910 black grey blue green brown

- A top quality winter hat, soft and warm
- The Alpha logo and lettering in 3D embroidery are subtle but unmissable
- On the double layered fabric the black beanie is embroidered grey and the other beanies black
- The beanie is cosy warm and extremely light
- With normal use an occasional hand wash should suffice

Available colours
123-black-black, 17-grey-heather, 257-dark-green, 315-charcoal-heather, 583-black-yellow-gold, 07-rep-blue, 696-hunter-brown

100% Polyacryl
Hand wash

Item ID: 726

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Alpha Industries 3D Beanie

This brand-new 3D Beanie from Alpha Industries is made from extremely soft double acrylic and is such a great wear that you won’t want to take it off.
It features a striking embroidered Alpha logo with lettering underneath, which are embossed on the cosy fabric.
This Beanie is available in 4 colours. The black Beanie has a grey embroidery, all other colours come with black embroidery for stylish use.
It’s generally sufficient to wash the hat out by hand, polyacrylic dries incredibly fast and so your beanie will quickly be ready again to wear.

You’ll be spoilt for choice ;-)

  • This 3D beanie is so soft and comfortable that even those usually opposed to hats will enjoy wearing it.
  • Despite being double-layered, the acrylic dries quickly
  • Understated with 3D embroidery that comes in black on material or in silver grey on black material, it’ll be the target of looks from every direction
  • Acrylic has the advantage that it’s not overly thick and yet has an enormous capacity to store body heat
  • We deliver almost anywhere quickly and securely

Manufacturer: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Responsible person: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG, Siemensstr. 11, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany,