Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Alpha Industries Mens Pullover Sweater Side Print Hoody 118337 black dark olive

- The Side Print Hoody is a real hit
- It has the potential to become as popular as the Back Print Hoody
- 12cm high letters are emblazoned on the left side
- Heavy brushed 80/20% cotton/polyester blend
- Available in black, olive
- Runs normal size, regular fit
- For you in black, olive, white
- Runs normal - Regular Fit

Available colours
03 black, 142 dark olive

80% Cotton, 20% Polyester
Maschine wash 30°
Do not put into dryer

Item ID: 128402

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Alpha Industries Side Print Hoody 118337

Alpha Industries is stepping up its game when it comes to clothing and is launching the Side Print Hoody, the next big thing on the market.
Everything has already been said about the quality of Alpha hoodies, but those who haven't yet noticed will be pleased to see how high-quality material can be combined with excellent workmanship.

The print, to which the hoodie owes its name, can be found on the left side in 12cm high bold "ALPHA" letters, which start on the left sleeve at chest height and partly end in the kangaroo pocket.
The shirt is made of 80% cotton and 20% polyester. This means it won't shrink when washed and the roughened inside of the hoodie means you'll always have a pleasant feeling on your skin.

Since all seams that are subject to heavy wear have a safety seam, you can use the utility pocket on the left sleeve with confidence and also warm your hands in the belly pocket.

The shirt has a normal fit. 

Regular fit

  • 80% cotton, 20% polyester keeps the shape and size
  • Washing at 30 degrees ensures perfect wear time and time again
  • Durable foil print when the shirt is treated correctly
  • All heavily used seams have an extra seam

Manufacturer: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG

Responsible person: Alpha Industries GmbH & Co. KG, Siemensstr. 11, 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany,

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