BANDIT Helmets

Bandit ECE 22 05 Carbon homologated open face helmet Leather

- The ECE 22-05 certified jet helmet with a carbon shell
- Ideal as a chopper or scooter helmet, these stunning helmets are also perfect for motorised bicycles and mopeds.
- It is constructed in sizes XS, S, M, L, XL and XXL,
weighing 750 - 1000gr
- Each helmet comes fully-equipped with a sunshade and in a cotton bag with quick fasteners.
- Anyone planning a trip to European countries cursed with ECE regulations can ride on without worrying about bumping into cops.
- Just measure the circumference of your head from directly above your eyebrows to find out your size

Item ID: 632

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

ECE certified Carbon Jet Helmet by Bandit Helmets

The range of ECE-certified jet helmets is now extended even further thanks to the ECE 22-05 Carbon jet helmet.
It is small and lightweight and available immediately in sizes from XS to XXL.
The carbon shell is produced using the autoclave process (in which great heats and high pressures are used to combine the carbon fibres with the highly transparent epoxy resins).
This process is primarily used in motor sport and aerospace technology. The outer edge of the padding which faces the elements with you is made from hardwearing synthetic leather and the inner padding is made from a fluffy, skin-kind fabric blend.

The practical micro-click closure (toothed belt closure) ensures that the helmet sits securely and perfectly and snap fasteners are attached for the sun shield (included) or other visors.
It weighs under 750g!!!!!
These ECE jet helmets are a delight to wear – and don’t be surprised if the policeman that pulls you over for inspection does a double-take that your helmet passes all the tests!

Not sure which size is the right one for you? Please measure the size of your head by laying the measuring tape on your forehead directly above your eyebrows.

  • Thanks to the carbon shell, this helmet is so light you will barely feel it

  • This ECE standard compliant helmet provides you with optimum protection

  • The helmet is suitable for men, women and children

  • Excellent fit and micro-click belt ensure top comfort

  • See our accessories for visors to attach or click on

Manufacturer: BANDIT Helmets

Responsible person: BANDIT Helmets GmbH, Darwinstr. 2, 10589 Berlin, Charlottenburg, Germany,