Bandit Helmets

Bandit Helmets Motorradhelm XXR Streetfighter dull-black dull-grey shiny-black

- Have you ever seen a nicer looking helmet? The design simply can’t be beat.
- Bikers with Streetfighters, muscle bikes and other modified motorbikes are particularly lovestruck.
- In matte black, it is the only cool full face helm to go with your high-volume V-Twins!
- Naturally made from GRP fibreglass, it includes click fastening and a tinted visor.
- When closed, the 3mm thick visor is attached thanks to an adjustable eccentric cam. That means nil shaking, even at top speed.
- Check out the perfect fit and the exact allignment of the visor!
- The Bandit XXR has even been proven to be more aerodynamic.
- If you are not sure with your size, just measure the circumference of your head from directly above your eyebrows

Item ID: 478

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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

XXR by Bandit Helmets

One of the best-looking full face helmets in the world. Perfect form and optimal function can be combined in one helmet after all.
Even at top speed, it won’t shake, nor will your eyes water - apart from through joy. Have you ever seen a nicer looking helmet?
Nowadays it’s not just the Streetfighter bikers that are lovestruck, you can can often see XXR helmets accompanied by V-Twins.

The XXR made from GRP fibreglass  with quick-click fastening comes with a tinted visor as standard.
When closed, the  3mm  thick visor is attached thanks to an adjustable  eccentric cam.  That means nil shaking, even at top speed.
The Bandit XXR has even been proven to be more aerodynamic.

Please measure the size of your head by laying the measuring tape on your forehead directly above your eyebrows.

To our friends in UK, just want to make sure that this item passes customs and may cost some fee because of the brexit. 

  • With a fibreglass helmet shell and small vision panel, this is one of the best-looking full face helmets in the world
  • Even at top speed, it won’t shake
  • The XXR is even more aerodynamic
  • Includes a tinted visor, other visors are also available from the manufacturer.
  • Fast delivery

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